대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 유성밤알바 둔산동룸알바

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 유성밤알바 둔산동룸알바
According to the story of the NKVD colonel who conscripted h
im, it seems that a research facility for interpreting Moravian s
ecret magic has been completed.Moravian war ends, wartime?
Opinions were divided in the Politburo as to how to deal with
magicians who joined the Soviet Union after the war.In the So
viet Union, political credibility is as important as competence,
if not more so.In that sense, opinions are still divided within t
he Politburo as to how far the large number of Moravian ma
gicians should be associated with the parts close to the cente
r of the country.However, it is not limited to the secret magic
of Moravia, and magic is inherently a technique of speaking thi
ngs using the magic that humans have, and it is impossible for
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 유성밤알바 둔산동룸알바
Russians who do not possess magic to use it.However, since var
ious technologies, including military, in this world were establish
ed through the power of magic, the fact that the Soviet Union d
id not have that capability was a problem that could not be ign
ored for national defense.【clairvoyance】【Wongyeon】【Brainwas
hing】Furthermore, instantaneous transfer of matter by summoni
ng magic, etc.In magic technology, there are many technologies th
at are unlikely to be realized in the future, let alone now, in Sovi
et science and technology.And if the current Soviet Union tries to
fight them, it will inevitably have no choice but to rely on magic.
Due to these circumstances, a significant number of Moravian mag
icians were unable to avoid the semi-forced emigration to the Soviet
Union, and over a long period of time, secret cities were created thr
oughout the country — not even written on maps, making entry an
d exit from inside and outside the country difficult. He was placed i
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 유성룸알바 유성밤알바 둔산동룸알바
n a restricted, closed administrative area and engaged in magic res
earch for the national interest of the Soviet Union.Above all, at this s
tage there is no city large enough to be used to surround magician
s, and what Krauss is heading to is a newly established research fac
ility on the outskirts of Stalingrad guarded by the NKVD forces.
(Is it a bit of a shame that I won’t be able to go here?)As if he was
a little sad about parting ways, Krause looked around and then saw
the man with whom he was chatting.“Now, it’s time to leave. Also, let
’s meet if we get a chance.””yes. Stay healthy, comrade.”After they had
finally exchanged that much, Krause stood up from the chair and left
the sauna, feeling slightly lighter than before he came.Seven years late
r, the two reunite in the closed city of Leninsk (Baikonur) in Kazakhstan.