대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 용문동룸알바 용문동룸보도 용문동보도사무실

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 용문동룸알바 용문동룸보도 용문동보도사무실
do it. Considering the number of magicians we have caught
so far, it won’t take that long.”Despite the blockade of Hyoks
a Temple, the corps commander, Major General Ivan Zatevak
hin, did not seem at all perturbed.He speaks of optimism as i
f reprimanding his subordinates, then turns his gaze to his ch
ief of staff.“Has the chimera moved?”A staff officer wearing a co
lonel’s gold medal answers a short question.“Currently, it appear
s that the 9th Brigade is only engaged in infantry. however… … 」
“Soon, it will crawl out.”Continuing the words of the Chief of Sta
ff, Jatebahin declared:A biological weapon created through ma
gic.It is easy to be tempted by the performance that cannot be f
ound in a natural creature, starting with its heteromorphism and
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 용문동룸알바 용문동룸보도 용문동보도사무실
breath attack, but its method of operation is by no means
.“That’s a cavalry. Anyway, if we are looking for something close
to our military, it will be a tank—either way, those who use tha
t weapon will not be able to reach their goal.”Jatebahin coldly
declared.Tank—-It is a support weapon for infantry and a striki
ng force that is the key to mobile warfare.Although their destru
ctive power as a group is great, they cannot perform the dutie
s of infantry.“The enemy’s goal is not the annihilation of the kin
gdom’s government forces. It is the suppression of the royal cap
ital. In that case, the infantry force, which is the key, must be pres
erved at all costs. We may have left some strength to attack the
capital city, but if we lose the infantry deployed in the city and the
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 용문동룸알바 용문동룸보도 용문동보도사무실
headquarters is destroyed, there is nothing we can do.”Characteris
tics of infantry. The point is that the troops themselves can be use
d as weapons to form a front line and [suppress] an area.No matte
r how great the combat power it boasts, this cannot be accomplish
ed with a small number of biological weapons.Moreover, the goal o
f the Moravian rebels was to seize power by suppressing the royal
capital.No matter how much they had captured the elements of gove
rnment facilities, the palace, which was the center of the government
, was still not in their hands, and in this situation, it was clear that th
rebellion plan itself would not be able to proceed if they lost the infa
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 용문동룸알바 용문동룸보도 용문동보도사무실
ntry power that was essential for suppressing the base.Then, in the cr
sis of the main infantry unit, there is only one option for the Moravia
n rebels. It is the salvation of the infantry.And, to achieve that most
effectively―――“Side raid. “The most dangerous moment is immedi
ately after encountering enemy infantry.”To the chief of staff’s answ
er, Jatebahin agreed.