대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성풀싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성풀싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱
A scary mission to throw at the enemy with words of abandonm
ent for the sake of earning money.The magicians who strongly op
posed the secret plan were imprisoned by Hausen, the command
er of the pacifying army and the largest lord of Western Grecia.
The crime was an affair with a barbarian tribe and an act of betr
ayal.No matter how you think about it, it’s not right. The general
s of the home army, who were proud of the region, and the powe
rful feudal lords of East Grecia who could stand against Hausen all
boarded the express dragon from East Grecia to the underworld, le
aving behind the local army and the Western Grecia territory. The
city is under the influence of the Count of Western Grecia.And, Fo
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성풀싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱
ker, the native magician of the Eastern Province, could not turn the
province’s prominent nobles into enemies.This is because you don’
t know who it will affect, not only yourself but also your family an
d descendants.Upon receiving his commission, Volker was notified
of a promotion to colonel and appointed captain of what was call
ed the Seed Zone.Although it is small, there are only three necrom
ancers, including Volker himself. The soldiers are all undead create
d by Volker and his party.“The courage of your soldiers who bravel
y and humbly faced the great forces of this world will be deeply e
ngraved in the history of the kingdom.”Hausen praised him with a b
ig smile on his face, but to Volker it seemed like nothing more than
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성풀싸롱 둔산동룸싸롱 대전풀싸롱
a superficial remark.There is no way a human who adopted the tacti
c of turning his own people into undead could be promoted as a he
ro.If he does it wrong, he may end up becoming a victim of the gro
up that designed this secret operation.Even if he was promoted, looki
ng at the current battle situation, I can only believe that he received s
pecial promotion for fallen soldiers as an advance payment.(I’m also
hard-headed)Sighing, shaking his head and banishing his thoughts, V
olker turned to his subordinate necromancers.“Conscription in this re
a is over. “Let’s move north.”After saying that, I was about to go down
the hill.Volker felt a sharp sound coming from above.