대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로노래방 황금동풀싸롱 경산풀싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로노래방 황금동풀싸롱 경산풀싸롱
do. Then a smile appeared on Hajun Yoon’s face. A smile
that looks very childlike and innocent.what?“Okay, I’ll do
it.””yes?”“Yes. Then let’s start by writing a contract.””······Ah
yes.”Jin So-hyang nodded.He had a shocked expression.
Something is different from what I expected. Because he d
irected such a stage, I thought he was an artist with stron
g pride, so I prepared this and that, but I never thought h
e would be accepted so easily.“Oh, can you give me a cer
tain amount first as a down payment?”Okay.”······Is it okay?
§ § §“What kind of rice cake is this?”I smile and look at the
contract. He earned an amount of money he couldn’t have
earned even if he worked a part-time job throughout his su
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로노래방 황금동풀싸롱 경산풀싸롱
mmer vacation. It’s not a huge amount of money, but consid
ering all the part-time jobs that high school students can d
o, I’m very satisfied.In addition, I gained stage experience wi
th a professional and also got the opportunity to take Suye
on to see the show. Wow, what on earth is going on?“First
of all, with this money, I can give my mom a gift…”As he thin
ks about how to spend the money, he thinks of Jin Sohyang.
In my previous life, the opening stage was performed by Kan
g Seong-hoon and Han Go-yo. But now, it is Jin So-hyang, n
ot Kang Seong-hoon, who stands.‘A person named Kang Seo
ng-hoon said he refused.’Why did Kang Seong-Hoon refuse? I
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동성로노래방 황금동풀싸롱 경산풀싸롱
s it really because of me? I haven’t seen you lately. Are you pr
eparing something? While thinking about that, I shake my h
ead.Well, I guess Ji will take care of it. He’s already a good g
uy. You don’t need me to worry. Now the problem is schedu
le distribution.The freshman concert will be held at the end
of July. So, there are roughly 3 weeks left. In the meantime,
you have to direct the stage and arrange the songs.Jin So-hyan
g seems to be planning to use 『Rough』 as is, but I have no in
tention of doing so. This is one of the few opportunities to
work with a current idol.