대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 대구퍼블릭가라오케 대전유흥주점 대구노래방

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 대구퍼블릭가라오케 대전유흥주점 대구노래방
It’s good if you have a criminal record.The general, who was a
materialist, did not believe in anything like God, but at this ti
me, he wanted to have something to pray for.Episode 60: Re
vivalCollapsed stone. Two large chimeras are pulling the larg
e lump that was used as a support for a building with a rop
e wrapped around it.In the royal capital where the battle end
ed, soldiers of the Moravian Armored Corps and the Soviet A
irborne Corps were smoothly carrying out rescue operations
for the wounded and victims of war while keeping a close ey
e on each other.Considering that no formal armistice or peac
e treaty had yet been concluded between the two countries, i
t was a somewhat strange sight.If the winner of the battle to c
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 대구퍼블릭가라오케 대전유흥주점 대구노래방
apture the capital is the Red Army, it is the Soviet Union that
must maintain local security and carry out rescue activities.
In fact, the enemy forces deployed to the capital surpassed t
hose of the kingdom, and most of the capital was completely
occupied by the Soviet Union.However, although the number
of troops is small, the kingdom, which still possesses powerful
military equipment called Chimera, has the central governmen
t below the king still intact, and is showing an attitude of neg
otiating with the Soviet Union based on the palace.From the k
ingdom’s perspective, “We are grateful for the salvation, but th
e rule of the capital is naturally ours. Prices for reinforcements,
etc. were paid at the peace conference… 」If you look at it as a
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 대구퍼블릭가라오케 대전유흥주점 대구노래방
power game between both sides, even if the Soviet Union igno
res these words, it will not affect the whole country.They are furt
her consumed by the uprising, and if the subsequent ground forc
es, such as the kingdom’s magic army that is already dying, reac
h the royal capital, they can easily step on them and kill them.
However, the Soviet Union, which wanted to preserve Moravia’s
government functions and administrative organization for the po
stwar period, accepted Moravia’s demands to some extent and
did not request the disarmament of the kingdom’s army.For th
e Soviet Union, it has already been decided that Moravia will fa
ll under Soviet control, and as for the Magic Army, whether it m
aintains its organization or is disbanded, its actual manpower is
determined to be placed in the hands of the Soviet Union.Sinc
e it would be in the palm of your hand after Ganghwa and the
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 대구퍼블릭가라오케 대전유흥주점 대구노래방
surrender of Moravia anyway, it was judged that there was no a
dvantage in taking a hard line and wasting them away.Currentl
y, among the three western armies deployed within Moravia, th
ere is a power gap at this point that would allow one army alo
ne to capture the entire army of the Kingdom of Moravia, whi
ch had been exhausted.