대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 월평동룸싸롱 대전유성룸싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 월평동룸싸롱 대전유성룸싸롱
The other country seems to be a great empire that boasts the g
reatest national power in this world, but what the Soviet Union n
eeds now, above all, is information about this world, and to obtai
n this, it is absolutely necessary to establish diplomatic relations
with the local country.With a friendly smile, Molotov repeatedly e
xpressed his welcome as part of his delegation.Thanking the Em
pire and the Emperor for responding to the Soviet Union’s wish
for negotiations, and praising the courage and devotion to the cou
ntry of all members of the delegation who came all the way to an
unknown continent and the capital of an unknown country,
He proudly opens his arms and welcomes Eleanor into the resi
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 월평동룸싸롱 대전유성룸싸롱
dence.Knowing the national and military power of the Soviet U
nion, which they had already seen before coming here, the me
mbers of the delegation felt uncomfortable about receiving suc
h hospitality.First of all, in negotiations, it is a desirable tenden
cy for the other side to be friendly.The members of the delegat
ion, including Eleanor, had a faint look of relief on their faces,
and were the first people from another world to set foot in the
official residence, the center of the Kremlin.At the same time, th
e Neustrian Empire, the capital of the empire, AustrasiaA megaci
ty that has always existed as the center of prosperity since the fo
unding of the Neustrian Empire.The center of Austrasia, the capi
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 월평동룸싸롱 대전유성룸싸롱
tal of an empire with a population of 2 million.A majestic palace
that rises tall as if looking around the capital of an empire that wa
s developed as a planned city.The place, called the Emperor’s Pala
ce, is the residence where the emperor and his immediate family
members live, and is also the political and military center of the
Neustrian Empire.Commonly known as the White Palace, it is kno
wn as the most beautiful palace on the continent, and is also a m
agical fortress protected by the Great Rebellion given directly by
the Pope of the Spiritual God Church several generations ago.
A deep shot from the palace. In the guest room called the Ameth
yst Room, Emperor François II, Chancellor Le Blanc, and several oth
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 유성룸싸롱 월평동룸싸롱 대전유성룸싸롱
er imperial ministers and nobles gathered around the round table
placed in the center of the room.In that windowless room, more
than half of the original lighting was turned off, so there was only
enough brightness to barely distinguish the faces of the people
around them.Their gaze is directed to the huge crystal pillar perche
d on the round table.