대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성풀살롱 대전풀싸롱 유성풀싸롱

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성풀살롱 대전풀싸롱 유성풀싸롱
“Welcome. The person in charge is Major General Andrei Vlasov,
in charge of the 6th Motorized Corps.”The tall general, wearing
ound glasses, greeted everyone with a gentle smile.The experien
ced general, who had served in the military advisory group of th
e Republic of China since the 1930s and participated as a rifle di
vision commander in the Finnish Winter War, politely guided the
knights to the prepared table and briefly explained the current
war situation.“I am hearing about your work from Comrade Com
mander of the Front Army. It was just the right time… … “Soon, ou
r military will launch an offensive.”The visit of the Knights of the Te
mple of Neustria to the headquarters of the 6th Motorized Corps
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성풀살롱 대전풀싸롱 유성풀싸롱
of the 10th Army, which deployed to the front of the city of Bruno a
nd was responsible for storming into the city at the start of the offe
nsive, was entirely due to the visit of the commander of the local m
ilitary, Major General Pavlov. It was by recommendation.Vlasov appro
ached the wooden table placed in the center of the headquarters te
nt and pointed at the map spread out above.“Twenty minutes from n
ow. Heavy artillery forces under the Front Artillery Headquarters cond
uct preliminary bombardment and destroy the barriers and walls aroun
d the city. After that, our corps will work toward a breakthrough.”The
defense power of the fortress, which is firmly protected by barrier ma
gic, is not something that can be underestimated.It was well known b
y the Red Army itself for its battles with the Grecian Altar on the bor
der.An old-fashioned brick castle wall that does not seem to have ta
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성풀살롱 대전풀싸롱 유성풀싸롱
ken the post-modern artillery war into consideration at all.However, t
he defense power, which has been strengthened by magic and cover
ed with a magic barrier that prevents the surroundings from being se
en, is so powerful that even a single scratch cannot be inflicted by cl
umsy artillery fire.In fact, all the violent bombings by the aviation cor
ps that have been carried out since the other day have been blocke
d by this barrier, and no real results have been achieved.In respons
e to this, the countermeasures put forward by the Red Army followe
d the example of the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line in the
Finnish Winter War.In other words, the Red Army at that time forcibly
destroyed the modern concrete fortification line through concentrate
d bombardment by heavy artillery and direct fire from large-diame
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전유성풀살롱 대전풀싸롱 유성풀싸롱
ter anti-aircraft guns.Based on this war lesson, heavy artillery troops
under the direct control of the Western and Northwestern Front Arm
y headquarters were deployed intensively in the army besieging Brun
o, and a plan was being drawn up to use this firepower to break thr
ough the barrier around the fortress in a short period of time.
Also, as for the troops deployed after destroying the barrier and c
astle walls, Pavlov deployed the most elite mechanized corps under
his command.The 6th Motorized Corps, commanded by Vlasov, is th
e best-equipped armored group in the Red Army, along with the 4th
Motorized Corps of the North-Western Front, and is equipped with t
he most up-to-date armored group.