대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 대전유흥주점 대전퍼블릭노래방

대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 대전유흥주점 대전퍼블릭노래방
“But, Your Excellency. Many of the reserve brigades are second-grade
infantry units. Considering that the Grecian Altar, mainly comprised o
f the magic army, was defeated in a short period of time, even if we f
ight back like this, it will only serve as a good bait for each defeat.”
“We must request local forces to reinforce the magic unit nearby. Plu
s, reinforcements from the home country―――」As each staff memb
er becomes more heated, the sound of Hauzen’s fist hitting the desk
again silences them.“If that’s the case, get ready right away! If we do
n’t stop these guys quickly, the Eastern Province will be devastated!”
“I will obey your orders immediately.”After saluting and sending the s
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 대전유흥주점 대전퍼블릭노래방
taff out of the command room at a brisk pace, Hausen activated a
magic trick for communication.First of all, negotiate directly with the
headquarters of the home country to increase the magic army’s rein
forcements as quickly as possible. First of all, if you don’t organize it
properly, the story won’t work.And one more thing, if the Soviet Un
ion does not have a magic civilization, the technology possessed by
the magic circle will work effectively.“I’m just condescending about su
mmoning beasts… !」The very fact that the Soviet Red Army was mak
ing a preemptive attack was making Hausen nervous.Slaves who had
been summoned by the Moravians and whose duty it was to serve t
eir masters as summons until the end of their lives had shed their f
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 대전유흥주점 대전퍼블릭노래방
angs.If you look at him, he is very disrespectful.“I’ll make you realize
it’s a fountain, you barbarians.”Hausen muttered hesitantly. However
, he didn’t understand.Movement speed and firepower of mechaniz
ed enemy troops.lso, [Operation Deep]In the world before the war, a
massive breakthrough spanning hundreds of kilometers by mechanized
units and aircraft was designed to tear apart the defense systems of la
rge European armies equipped with vast mobilized troops and firepow
er.Through a surprise attack and subsequent continuous offensive op
erations, the defense system of the opposing country is instantly neutr
alized and the enemy country’s core is struck without giving the defe
nders a chance to rebuild their system.Now that the elite magic militar
대전룸싸롱 O1O.4832.3589 대전노래클럽 대전유흥주점 대전퍼블릭노래방
unit has been destroyed, there is no force capable of resisting the ene
my in the eastern province of Moravia from the beginning, and the West
ern and Northwestern Fronts, the advance guard of the Red Army, are en
gaged in an engagement between the Grecian Altar and the Northern A
rmy. Already broke through the border zone.They were engulfing all the d
efenseless cities of the Moravian provinces along with their garrisons, an
d were quickly targeting Bruno, the largest city in the eastern province.
Resting Flower ① Prisoner of War